Medical IT Consultants 
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My career in healthcare has been focused on innovative approaches to dramatically improve my respective company’s position in the industry.  I believe my experience in product development, management and ongoing evolution will be beneficial to you in your quest to lead the industry.     


We are a highly specialized Medical Information Systems, Engineering and Consulting Company serving the Healthcare community with management and information technology services.



§   Delivery of all Clinical Protocols
EMR, EHR, HIT, PHR, PMS, LIS, ERP, Wireless Vital Signs Monitoring, Disease Management, RHIOs, CRM, Rx

§   Acquisitions and mergers business development







    John Mark Tumblin

Successful Strategy:



·         CEO, CIO, COO, Director

·         VC startups to $100mm P&L

·         Sound Delivery of Certifications; CCHIT, SAMHSA, JAHCO, IPO, Project Management

·         Innovative in process delivery

·         Professional Leadership in Health Information Technology Design and the Application of Clinical Protocols

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