Medical IT Consultants 
                                       Successful Application of Processes

Roche Diagnostics, WorkPlace Wellness, Physion, Microsoft/ePartners, LifeWatch, ASCENT


·         Clinical protocols for all specialties

·         Directed the development of oncology specific and allergy ENT specific methodologies in delivery of physician information and oncology specific Electronic Medical Records endorsed by ASCO

·         Development of comprehensive disease management protocols in all disciplines


·         Global Sales Processes to maximize rapid growth

·         Established $20 million pipeline in 6 months time through two national distribution networks for sales with ASCENT

·         LifeWatch: Led the IT department in over $100 million in annual sales through development of innovative Bluetooth devices


·         Development of Wireless Connectivity to information

·         Comprehensive Physician and Hospital Information development

·         Application of Clinical Protocols EMR, EHR, HIT, PHR, PMS, LIS, ERP, Wireless Vital Signs Monitoring, Disease Management, RHIOs, CRM, Rx

  • Led the first ever development for  healthcare focused Microsoft ERP solutions that deliver full integration with back office functions within Cerner‘s Supply Chain and patient billing systems for hospitals Successes


·         Roche resulted in over $500mm in revenue in less than two years

·         WorkPlace Wellness netted $5mm in contracts in year 2

·         Physion generated $2mm in first year sales and a $5mm VC capitalization

·         ePartners/Microsoft resulted in development of  the healthcare pipeline to $68million in product and an additional $38million in service offerings

·         LifeWatch Successful launch of the LifeStar ACT cardiac event monitor generating $70mm in sales in year two


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